Request Information
If you are interested in our collection services, please complete and submit the following information so that we may contact you with more information about our services.
This is not a form for consumers. In order to protect your privacy, CSII does not correspond with consumers via email. To speak with a Representative, please call 806-376-5505. Thank you!
Consumer Services
Certified Collectors, Inc. (CCI) provides debt collection services.
If you have been contacted by Certified Collectors, Inc. (CCI), we are attempting to collect a debt and may use any information obtained for that purpose.

Customer Service Numbers

Minimum Office Hours
(Except office observed holidays)
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 249
Arlington, TX 76004

Payment Options
If you are inquiring about an account balance, please
contact our office directly at 806-376-5505.